Inter-coop solidarity?

Like perhaps many here, I am a member of several coops, not just Resonate. One of them, MásPúblico, is the editor of two Spanish magazines, La Marea (general news) and Climática (climate change). They are among the very few representatives of independent and collective/cooperative journalism projects in Spain.

Our project is almost 10 years old, and right now we are fundraising with the goal of finally achieving financial stability. It would be super nice, if Resonate has the funds, to see resonate ads at the webpage of La Marea and hopefully strengthen both the listener and the musician Spanish-speaking bases over here. Note that we have a very strict ethical code for ads, so in practice basically no-one with deep pockets is able to advertise with us. Which feels good in terms of consistency, but leads to economic difficulties of course. Collectives, small ethical businesses and coops are our natural allies. Failing that, even a small token will be appreciated.

Minor update: we just have until next Monday (November 7th) to get the money. If we don’t get to the minimum on that date, the crowdfunding is automatically cancelled.