Notice of General Meeting Feb 28, 2023 - Resolution to Extend Period for Board Election

—> Voting is now open! Please vote here. <-----

In compliance with the resolution of Members at their 2022 AGM, a General Meeting is called for 2023-02-28T17:00:00Z2023-02-28T18:30:00Z.

Passcode: resonate

Link to AGENDA

This General Meeting will include a vote to decide on the following resolution:

Special Resolution to Extend Period for new Board Election

WHEREAS Members resolved by Special Resolution at the 2022 AGM to call a General Meeting for the purpose of electing a new Board no later than February 28, 2023

WHEREAS Members further resolved that anyone running for a Board position will be informed publicly and in detail by the current Board and executive about the state of Resonate, possibility of wind-down, financials, history, and legal risks to Directors

WHEREAS The state of Resonate is a matter of contention and complex beyond the capacity of the present Board or candidates for a new Board to feasibily assess in the time allotted

WHEREAS issues include and may not be limited to:

  • pending review by the Irish registrar of Members’ amendments to Resonate’s rules from 2019 - 2022 including terms for Supporter Debentures;
  • matters which may arise relating to annual reports during this period;
  • the question of whether taxes may be due for prior compensation of Directors;
  • a general lack of capacity to support administrative and professional labor to maintain compliance

WHEREAS The full resolution of these issues or assessment of their risk is challenged by a lack of resources

WHEREAS Resonate cannot reasonably seek outside support unless Members can unite around a plan for a sustainable professional service.

WHEREAS These conditions have caused the Resonate Board to consider Voluntary Dissolution of the Cooperative

WHEREAS The state of Resonate and the question of the relative benefits or harms of its Dissolution is a matter to be reasonably considered by Members

WHEREAS The value of Resonate’s achievements and potential service demands that every effort be made for Members to come to a united purpose through mediation, critical engagement, accountability and operational planning

WHEREAS These efforts should not be rushed

WHEREAS Members have previously resolved that the 2023 AGM shall occur no later than June 30, 2023

THEREFORE LET IT BE RESOLVED that the period for the election of a new Board be extended to June 30, 2023 or the 2023 AGM, whichever occurs first

Moved by Rich Jensen with support of brandon king

Voting will be conducted in this area of the Forum and will be open for at least seven days following the General Meeting.

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Unfortunately, I have had a work obligation arise that will prevent me from attending this meeting.

I hope there will be a recording or notes.

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The session will be recorded and the vote to approve or reject the resolution will be open for 7 days.

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Time: 2023-02-28T17:00:00Z2023-02-28T18:30:00Z

Passcode: resonate


Introductions and Greetings - 15 min

(Host: Rich Jensen)

Selection of Facilitator - 5 min

Review General Courtesies: - 1min

  • Please Raise Hands to Speak
  • Progressive Stack: To balance against common social inequities, the facilitator may recognize non-caucasian, non-male, and differently-abled speakers first
  • Be respectful, no slurs or insults will be tolerated
  • Do not speak over others
  • Be concise
  • Those who cannot follow these courtesies may be excused

Review of Agenda - 5 min

Call for additions or changes to the agenda

Approval of the Agenda

Consideration of the Special Resolution to Extend the Period for Board Election - 60 min

Introduction of the Resolution - Rich Jensen

Reading of the Resolution

Open Discussion of the Resolution

Call for a Vote By Members in the Forum (balloting will be open for seven days)

Announcements - 5 mins


Meeting has ended. It was attended by @brndnkng @peter @tamimulcahy @honeyanhibiscus @matt_burnett

Recording and voting will be available later today (US Pacific Time).

Sorry all. Long day yesterday and settled in with family after day job. Will have voting area up soon.

Meanwhile, here’s the capture of yesterday’s session (Click the gear wheel in the bottom right corner of the video image if you want to make the playback faster. )