Roadmap survey draft: suggested edits

Of course. I’m around any time. :grinning:

Partly feel these points need to be made at this particular time because of the regrouping that the new roadmap push reflects.

We need to be sure all three major interest areas are covered in this next phase: Development, Governance and Music.

I’m a bit sensitive about making sure we get the particulars of operating as a professional music service baked into our plans.

Please don’t take my sense of urgency personally.

I took the occasion and some of the points you were offering as an opportunity to make the case for an effective music strategy.

I’m not sure it is always understood throughout the team or community how exceptional an opportunity (unprecedented!) we have with the amazing music team that has been diligently waiting to invite their professional communities onto our platform for the last 3 years.


Thank you - all edits have been made. If no one has any further comment, we will go ahead with this version.


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