Special Resolution to ensure wellbeing for Worker Members

WHEREAS section 10.vi. states that the administrative process for the explusion of a Member may be agreed in General Meeting by Special Resolution,

WHEREAS in order to ensure healthy and effective working conditions, Worker Members should have the independent right to remove a harmful or non-contributing person from their work community,

WHEREAS Worker Members should not be dependent on the organization of a General Meeting to act to safeguard their wellbeing and manage the affairs they are most directly impacted by,

THEREFORE LET IT BE RESOLVED THAT Worker Members be granted the right to expel a Worker Member from Worker Membership by a majority vote of Worker Members,

THEREFORE LET IT BE RESOLVED THAT Worker Members may collectively determine how best to organize and manage this voting process,

THEREFORE LET IT BE RESOLVED THAT this voting process be actionable by the collective of Worker Members independently of a General Meeting or class resolution.

THEREFORE LET IT BE RESOLVED THAT this information, and related processes to be determined by Worker Members, will be added to the Handbook (Operating Manual).


I support this resolution, but what constitutes harm? Do you have a particular definition in mind?


I feel like I’d prefer this resolution with a supermajority of worker members and no blockers (the member who is being discussed does not get a vote).


Being overly prescriptive about this could limit Worker Members ability to act on it. I think that will be up to them to sort through together. Broadly, we could say that “harm” could be interpreted as repeated behavior which is against the worker code of conduct or which makes it difficult for others to follow the code.

a supermajority of worker members and no blockers (the member who is being discussed does not get a vote).

The advice I’ve seen on starting a worker co-op is:

  • make it relatively hard to join, so that only those truly committed end up as worker members
  • make it relatively easy to remove people, so that the community doesn’t find itself stuck with a troublesome person

@psi have you seen other advice?