Mirlo is live! Directly support musicians through purchasing albums and monthly contributions

What is Mirlo?

Mirlo is an artist-centered, collectively owned music distribution platform.

How is Mirlo different?

Informed by our analysis gained from working on different cooperative music platforms and tuning into the music industry landscape, we understand flourishing communities are vital to a platform’s longevity. Technology is in service to people. We prioritize musicians, workers, and listeners over profits.

Inspired by our varied experiences in mutual aid collectives and cooperatives, we commit to exiting to community. Venture capital and extractive or obscure investment schemes are antithetical to our ethos.

With Mirlo, we aspire to cultivate balance and grow sustainably. Notions of scarcity that pit the workers who operate a platform against the musicians who utilize it are not in alignment with how we choose to navigate. We value the perspectives and contributions of all the people who make Mirlo run. Rather than imposing punitive benchmarks that impede those who don’t have a huge following, we want Mirlo to be viable for musicians of all levels of experience and visibility.

FOLLOW MIRLO: https://www.instagram.com/mirlo.space mirlo.space (@mirlo@musician.social) - Musician.Social

SIGN UP HERE: https://mirlo.space/


@honeyanhibiscus Is Mirlo meant to be a spiritual successor to Resonate?

over 1,000 tracks have been uploaded on Mirlo by almost 100 musicians!


hi, there is loose overlap between Mirlo and Resonate partially due to the fact that a few people who were previously contributing to Resonate are now working on Mirlo. that said they serve slightly different purposes.

at Mirlo, we’re anti-competitive. in fact, we’ve been exceedingly collaborative with contributors and founders of a few other alternative ethical music distribution and streaming platforms.

there are lots of interesting ongoing discussions about interoperability… or pooling resources across multiple platforms to seek out and work with lawyers that can help us conceive of terms of use that are even more artist friendly. feel free to join the Fun Music Place Discord!


Mirlo’s monthly community call is tomorrow! join us to find out how things have been progressing and what we’re planning. we’d also love to hear from folks who are more generally interested in alternative and ethical music platforms even if they’re not currently using Mirlo.

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Mirlo’s next monthly Community Call is today at 7:30 pm EST. in addition to making our Kickstarter goal, Mirlo was awarded the DC Coop Impact Grant for organizations with people of color and/or historically disinvested communities represented in leadership roles.

in 2025, Mirlo will be organizing a music symposium in Washington DC where musicians and cultural organizers will convene to explore the intersection of music and the solidarity economy. in advance of this symposium [which will be our first major in-person event] we’re delving more deeply into articulating and implementing our cultural strategy.

we’re also planning a smaller meetup in DC this Fall for folks to connect with our worker-owners. come to the Community Call to learn how you can plug in!