Moving Resonate Coop to FunkWhale platform?

It seems that development on Resonate is in hibernation mode. I think Resonate had some great ideas about co-operative artist ownership of music and consumer participation in the platform, but candidly there wasn’t enough investment in the technology.

There is an open-source collective called that is based on federated open-source concepts for music distribution. It’s a maturing platform that is much farther ahead in development than Resonate.

Theoretically all of the good co-operative ideas and goodwill that were intended for this platform could be carried over to, and the idea of co-operative music ownership/platform could survive on a Funkwhale instance specifically customized for co-operation.

I just wanted to throw the idea out there because it seems like a good fit.

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I’m still maintaining the platform so it does not go down. While the situation is uncertain for the coop, it’s no reason to give it all up. Hibernation is not a bad thing. Resonate is also partially open source and anyone is free to create something different using the code…

I have been doing some work in the background to fix ongoing problems with the player. I haven’t seen much interest lately but I would assist anyone who is willing to contribute.

Funkwhale is a cool project for sure.

In the meantime, I suggest you check out Mirlo.

hi! i just heard about resonate after ranting on the internet about how badly a music streaming cooperative is needed. i agree that hibernation is not always a bad thing! anyhow, my name is Mae and I am a software developer and musician and i just got laid off so i currently have a lot of time on my hands and want to keep my programming skills ♯. so basically if you need help or want to get this thing fired back up with new blood - i’m your girl :wink:

I am a web developer who has also been recently made aware of this platform and would love to contribute. It is a bit disheartening though that one cannot sign up for the service and the top several forum threads are talking about ‘competing’ services. I know it’s not really competition in the open source space, but it does reduce the level of confidence in the project. Also the lack of responses on the forum further reduces that confidence. Either way, i’d love to help, i think this type of coop is necessary to save music.

Where we talk of Mirlo as an alternative, we might also do good to consider the Jam Coop.

hey :slight_smile:

Thank for thinking about us @SolarDesalination :slight_smile:

I’m one of the members of the Funkwhale project and I wanted to say that we are open to discussion if labels, cooperatives or artists have needs they expect from a federated project like us.

Some discussion already happened for labels. And there is already labels having their own funkwhale instance.

We do not provide any king of payment solution yet but this can be manage by the label or cooperative using their preferred way (close music streaming behind a subscription, allow streaming but give a donation link, etc). And has I said we can help improve this :slight_smile:

See you around :slight_smile: