šŸšØ Social Media Wizards Needed / Crowd-Funding Support Needed

Thank you for being here, @rorororo. :seedling:


just bumping this discussion point - masto users (specifically this post) seem to be tagging this account: BirdsiteLIVE - User which seems to be not working


@boopboop how do we fix this?

iā€™m not on mastodon

Is there any interest in hosting a Mastodon instance? Iā€™d help with such an effort but couldnā€™t be a technical lead. (At least not initially).

Recently stepped up my activation in this space. Full of cooperatorsā€¦


Somewhere between us being on a rando server and self-hosting would be for Resonate to have their account be on Social.coop. Being on that server would mean that Resonateā€™s messages would get high visibility among other co-ops and advocates on Social.coop ā€“ and it would save us the logisitical energy that self-hosting would demand. Our membership would also support Social.coopā€™s mission.


It is interesting to consider the opportunities. Many co-operators work from a great variety of instances.

If the co-op provided a server perhaps accounts could be offfered as a perk of membership?


Sounds like a lot of work to me and Iā€™m more into @Hakanto 's proposition for now because it just seems more coherent with the overall structure of Mastodon and how to channel it into a useful space for us for now at least. I donā€™t think our current status warrants to think about things like creating our own server, distributing memberships etc. It all seems good in the abstract or long term with a large user base but with our little current community, something more straightforward that allows us to interract with other co-ops in the space feels more aligned with our immediate goals.


Sorry if my reply is a bit ignorant since Iā€™ve been popping in and out of this thread and merely skimming posts, but do we have a Mastodon account now that I should also be posting content to when I create a social post for Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, etc.?

If so, would someone be able to DM me the login info so I can also post on their while I work to make some posts from THIS BOARD in the coming weeks?

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Hi there ā€“ is this still relevant? I just joined resonate as a listener ā€“ because Iā€™m very interested in cooperatives and Iā€™m motivated to invest my time to help wherever I can. Iā€™m a conceptual artist from Germany ā€“ simonfreund.xyz ā€“ but I have been running my own fashion brand for almost eight years, so I have lots of experience in building a brand, getting ā€œcustomersā€ and making your voice heard. So, please let me know if thereā€™s anything I can help with and I will try to do my bestā€¦ Have a nice Sunday and please get in touch, so I can start helping out : ) Simon


Hey Simon, welcome! Things are a bit in flux right now, but weā€™d love to have you. As far as I can tell, we donā€™t have anything that resembles a content plan but feel free to propose something and we can support you in whatever way you need.


Hey Simon,

Thank you for reaching out!

Iā€™ve been working on communication things mainly as of late, and although things have been pretty slow the past few months as the devs work to re-orient things on the back end, comms work is starting to pick back up with our annual general meeting on the horizon.

With that said, maybe we can jump on a (video) call sometime next week to talk more and see how we can work together?

Appreciate the offer to volunteer, and Iā€™d be happy to let you know where things are at.


Yes, please : ) Letā€™s say Tuesday next week?


Sounds great, Iā€™ll jump on a call with @Sam_Martyn next week and then weā€™ll take it from there. Good to see youā€™re all motivated : )


Hmmā€¦ I am on US CST time, I believe around 7 hours behind you if youā€™re in Germany, so I may be working during the weekday(s) while youā€™re aroundā€¦Would Friday (12/2) at my 2pm, your 9pm work?

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Thanks for taking all this into consideration. If all goes well Iā€˜ll be in Hongkong on Friday though - throughout most of December. My flight is leaving on Wednesday from Germany. This makes things even trickier right? Iā€˜m happy to go great lengths though, so let me get to Hongkong and then Iā€˜ll be in touch again if I can make the proposed time : ) Would you mind sharing your email or Signal or something? Thank you and sorry for the inconvenienceā€¦

Also, if thereā€˜s anything I can do for resonate in Hongkong - let me know


@simonfreund @Sam_Martyn were you guys able to link up? Sorry I missed this.

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Weā€™re actually planning to meet up at 2022-12-08T14:00:00Z here: https://meet.google.com/yub-fxwa-mxs so feel free to join if youā€™d like. Otherwise, @simonfreund and I can chat and then work with everyone on next steps.


Thanks for following up on this @tshiunghan. We just had the meeting. After getting to know each other and speaking about all kind of things related to cooperatives in general and resonate ā€“ we decided that we will fully concentrate on communicating the Annual General Meeting until the end of the year with the aim of having the highest participation possible.

The main questions which I currently have are:

ā€“ who do we want to invite? Is the meeting open to everyone, or resonate members only?
ā€“ what platform do we use for the meeting itself?
ā€“ what is our goal in terms of attendance? Like an actual number ā€“ 10, 100, 1000?

So first, I would like to figure this out. Maybe you can help with that? Then we can go from there making sure the relevant people are invited and the meeting is communicated accordingly : )


@Hakanto @richjensen @LLK ā€“ Hello ā€“ my name is Simon and Iā€™m a new volunteer from today on. Nice to meet you : )

I followed your discussion about Mastodon and / or social.coop and applied for an account on social.coop in the name of Resonate today. They say they will be in touch within a week, so I will let you know once the account is active. I believe itā€™s a no-brainer to be active there for now and I also see potential in having our own server, but only in the future when thereā€™s more interest in both ā€“ Mastodon and Resonate.

@Sam_Martyn ā€“ Iā€™ll share the login with you, once itā€™s active and / or will help you to post there.
@richjensen ā€“ Thanks for bringing this up, if youā€™re still interested letā€™s jump on a call and see how we can get the most out of Mastodon together or if you want to take it over completely once itā€™s active ; )


Hey Simon,

Iā€™m so glad @Hakanto made a separate post to address your questions, because I didnā€™t have a clue how to respond. Iā€™ve only been a member for a few months and mostly been participating in the Dismantling White Culture working group and the product check-ins.

I have limited experience with email marketing so hoping to support you and @Sam_Martyn any way I can.